The Delhi Customs Department headed by Commissioner Vishal Pal Singh as seized 6.47 kgs of Cocaine worth Rs 97.44 crores and 8 Foreign Nationals were arrested in the month of December 2024 at IGI Airport.
Customs officers at IGI Airport, New Delhi, have intercepted multiple drug smuggling attempts, seizing 6,479 grams of cocaine worth a staggering ₹97.44 crore.
Here’s a breakdown of the cases:
07.12.2024: South African national with 799g of cocaine (₹12 crore).
11.12.2024: Brazilian national with 1,383g of cocaine (₹21 crore).
13.12.2024: Filipino national with 503g of cocaine (₹7.54 crore).
13.12.2024: Philippines national with 676g of cocaine (₹10.14 crore).
17.12.2024: Kenyan national with 822g of cocaine (₹12.33 crore).
24.12.2024: Two Brazilians with 1,399g of cocaine (₹20.98 crore).
26.12.2024: Brazilian national with 897g of cocaine (₹13.45 crore).