The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has issued instructions in respect of systemic improvement in mapping/de-mapping of officers on the Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) portal.
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A reference has been received from the DGoV, CBIC, New Delhi stating therein that a GST officer, mapped in the GSTN portal, was not de-mapped with immediate effect after his relieving from the charge, which resulted in fraudulent sanction of refund by the officer.
De-Mapping Of Officers – Suggestions By DGoV
Certain systemic improvement has been suggested by Directorate General of Vigilance (DGoV) (Hqrs), recommending that officers should be immediately de-mapped from the concerned field formation, on the GSTN portal, upon execution of the GFR-33.

DGoV further suggested that the same may be monitored by supervisory officers, preferably of the rank of Joint Commissioner / Additional Commissioner, and a compliance report in this regard may be sent to the jurisdictional Commissioner / Principal Commissioner or equivalent within a specified time period.
It is also requested that clear responsibility and accountability of the concerned jurisdictional officers, responsible for mapping / un-mapping of the officers on the GSTN portal, may be ensured regarding the same.
The Board requested that all Principal Commissioners/ Commissioners or equivalent, may be directed to ensure strict compliance of the directions given by the Directorate General of Vigilance (DGoV).
Instruction Details
Instruction No. 04/2024-GST
Date: 04/10/2024