The Ministry Of Environment, Forest And Climate Change has notified the Liquid Waste Management Rules, 2024 which is applicable on Special Economic Zone (SEZ).
Table of Contents
What are Liquid Waste Management Rules 2024?
The Liquid Waste Management Rules, 2024 contains provisions in respect of liquid waste management which includes includes the environmentally sound management of Wastewater; Sludge generated during treatment of wastewater as well as faecal sludge; Reuse/utilization/ disposal of treated wastewater or sludge/faecal sludge.
Chapter II of the Rules imposes duties on wastewater generator, bulk user of water, Duties of operators of wastewater treatment facilities, Duties of local body including public wastewater management authorities.
The Rules regulate Extended User Responsibility (EUR) Certificate for treatment of wastewater.
Chapter III of the Rules talks about environmentally sound management of faecal sludge.
Chapter IV of the Rules elaborates on the Treatment and reuse of wastewater by industry.
Chapter V relates to the general obligations for sludge/ faecal sludge handling entities including wastewater treatment facilities, ETPs, CETPs, faecal sludge treatment facilities.

Applicability Of Liquid Waste Management Rules 2024
The rules shall apply to every urban body as well as rural local body and all public authorities and entities responsible for the generation and management of wastewater, sludge from wastewater treatment facilities and faecal sludge.
The Rules are applicable on all entities within their jurisdictions whether being controlled and managed by the government, private sector or in Public Private Partnership (PPP) viz. special notified areas including industrial areas/townships, special economic zones (SEZs), food parks, and areas under the control of Indian Railways including railway stations, railway tracks and land parcels adjacent to railway tracks, airports, airbases, ports and harbours, defence establishments, public and private establishments, State and Central government organizations, places of pilgrims, religious and historical importance, all land owners public or private, individual or body corporate, in possession of land parcels, and every domestic, institutional, commercial and any other non-residential liquid waste generator including bulk user of water.
Effective Date Of Liquid Waste Management Rules, 2024
Liquid Waste Management Rules, 2024 shall come into force from 01 October, 2025.
Objective Of Draft Rules
The draft of the rules, which the Central Government proposes to issue in exercise of the powers conferred by sections 3, 6 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986)
Whereas the Government proposes to introduce following draft rules to address the management of the liquid waste as a whole and each of its aspects individually. The aspects are: Liquid waste minimization; managing the collection of liquid waste; treatment of liquid waste; reuse/utilization of treated wastewater or sludge/faecal sludge; discharge/disposal of the remaining treated wastewater or sludge/faecal sludge.
Whereas it is hereby published for the information of the public likely to be affected thereby; and the notice is hereby given that the said draft notification shall be taken in to consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from the date on which copies of this notification as published in the gazette of India are made available to public;
Objections or suggestions on the proposals contained in the draft notification, if any may be addressed, within the period so specified, to the Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jorbagh Road, New Delhi- 110 003 or electronically at e-mail addressed:
The objections and suggestions which may be received from any person with respect to the said draft rules before the expiry of the period so specified shall be considered by the Central Government.
What is SEZ?
A Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a designated area within a country that has different trade and business laws than the rest of the country. The main goals of SEZs are to Increase employment, Increase investment, Increase trade balance, Create jobs, Promote exports of goods and services, and Develop infrastructure facilities.
In India, the SEZ policy was first introduced on April 1, 2000. The Special Economic Zones Act was passed in 2005, and the SEZ Rules came into effect in 2006. The SEZ Act allows both the government and the private sector to establish SEZs.
Notification Details
Date: 07/10/2024