The Allahabad High Court ruled that the order passed in appeal u/s 35(2) of Revenue Code is revisable under Section 210.

The court stated that the Tehsildar, while deciding a dispute regarding mutation in cases of succession or transfer, in exercise of powers under sub section (1) of Section 35 of the Code, acts as a ‘Revenue Court’ within the meaning of Section 4(16) of the Code. The Sub   Divisional   Officer   while   deciding   an   appeal   under   subsection (5), against an order passed by the Tehsildar under subsection (1) also acts as a ‘Revenue Court’ and as such would be a Court   subordinate   to   the   Commissioner   and   subject   to   its revisional jurisdiction.

The court added that the revisional jurisdiction under Section 210, in order to subserve its purpose,  would have to be seen not as a mere power but also a duty, which cannot be effectively discharged unless   the   Board   or   the   Commissioner   see   to   it   that   the subordinate   revenue   courts   exercise   their   jurisdiction   in accordance with law. The mere fact that there is no further appeal against the order passed by the Sub Divisional Officer in an appeal under sub­section (2) of Section 35 cannot warrant an inference that the legislature intended in any way to limit or control   the   revisional   jurisdiction   conferred   on   the Commissioner, under Section 210 of the Code.

The bench observed that Section 210 is essentially a source of power for the Board of Revenue   or   the   Commissioner   to   supervise   the   subordinate revenue courts. The jurisdiction conferred under Section 210 to revise   the   orders   passed   by   the   subordinate   revenue   courts would not be dependant on a motion being made by a party to the   case   inasmuch   as   the   section   confers   power   to   exercise revisional jurisdiction independent of any such motion having been   made.   The   revisional   jurisdiction   under   section   210   is designed   to   confer   a   wide   power   on   the   Board   or   the Commissioner to call for records and supervise the correctness of the proceedings subject to certain conditions.

“There   being   no   provision   under   the   Code   for   a   second appeal against the order of the Sub Divisional Officer passed under sub­section (2) of Section 35, it can be said that against the order of the Sub Divisional Officer in appeal, no further appeal lies, and therefore the necessary condition for invocation of the powers of the Commissioner under Section 210 for calling the records and exercising revisional powers against the order passed by the Sub Divisional Officer in appeal under sub­section (2) of Section 35, stands fulfilled”, the court said. 

The court held that the order passed by the Sub Divisional Officer in appeal under sub­section (2) of Section 35, against which there is no further appeal,   would   be   subject   to   the   revisional   powers   of   the Commissioner to be exercised under Section 210.


The petition has been filed primarily seeking to assail the order, passed by the respondent, the Naib Tehsildar, Panwadia, Tehsil Sadar, Rampur, in proceedings under Section 34 of the U.P. Revenue Code,   20061 ,   and   the   subsequent   order, passed by the other respondent, the Sub Divisional Magistrate, Tehsil Sadar, Rampur, an appeal under Section 35(2) of the Code, whereby the earlier order has been affirmed.

Counsel appearing for the State respondents and also the counsel  appearing for  the  respondent  No. 5, have  raised  an objection with regard to the entertainability of the writ petition by pointing out that the order passed in appeal, under Section 35(2) of the Code, would be subject to the statutory remedy of a revision under Section 210 of the Code.

Counsel appearing for the petitioner urged that the remedy of a revision under Section 210 is available only in a situation where no appeal lies, and in the instant case since the petitioner is seeking to assail an order passed in an appeal under sub­section (2) of Section 35, the remedy of revision would not be available. 


The objection raised on behalf of the State respondents and also the other respondent, with regard to the availability of a statutory remedy against the order passed by the Sub Divisional Officer in an appeal under sub ­section (2) of Section 35 of the Code, was sustained by the court.

Case Details

Case Name: Mohd. Yasir Ali Khan v/s State Of U.P. And 4 Others 

Citation: WRIT ­ C No. ­ 11344 of 2024

Counsel for Petitioner :­ Archana Singh,Shreeprakash Singh 

Counsel for Respondent :­ Arvind Srivastava,C.S.C.,Vikrant  Gupta 

Court: Allahabad High Court

Judge: Justice Dr. Yogendra Kumar Srivastava

Decision Date: 05/08/2024  

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